Urban Horticulture

Urban Horticulture

  • Complete Date: June 9, 2021

This intellectual output was produced with contribution of the all the participating partners and the described activities provided an extensive knowledge and experience from both countries, Greece and Turkey. The information presented in this output were gathered from the urban areas or areas close to urban network. There are certain expamples from the involved countries or countries with long history in the establishment of urban agricultural plots. These will be used as a paradigm of best practices.

This output is used as a refernce guide for training (see training section from the menu). Additionally, see the available manual with special links to small videos available in YouTube channel. The trainers will be given an exam at the end of the activity and a certification of completion.

Check the Manual for Urban Horticulture in  EN,  EL,  TR



Students in action!

User Experience

Trainees will learn the basic princples of urban horticulture and how to establish a small scale garden.